Our Story

Hello, thanks for being here!

Baby Meets Leaf is inspired by my baby who loves to join me on my plant watering trips around the house. The watering can has been a household favorite once he discovered it.

It has been a wonderful journey watching and learning how these tiny humans understand the world. I have read so many montessori and parenting books, attended online workshops and conferences to learn how to best raise our next generation of humans! (WOW what a role, right?)

I researched, read, learned, and applied the information and examples that I've learned but then only to be thrown off by something new my baby did that I were not in all the content I consumed. Does that sound familiar? So we're back at square one and doing our googling. 

Learning about our role as a parent and being a parent has been life changing. I feel like I'm re-parenting myself and reflecting who I am as an outcome of my parent's generation of parenting methods. We are indeed playing VERY important roles that influences the generations below us. 

The reality is that there isn't a perfect parent and many of us are just doing the best we can to survive and help our little loved ones thrive and grow. 

One thing that I learned very quickly when caring for my baby, is to trust my gut more which has applied to also when I became a dog and plant mom. Every individual is SO unique. As a parent, you have to become even more adaptable, resourceful, and intentional than you thought you were in order to meet their individual needs. Honing these soft skills has been and will be advantageous to our small business.

I am dedicated to use my strengths and knowledge to share and engage with you and all parents!  We're all in this together, aren't we? 

Our promise is to deliver high quality and thoughtfully designed products that meets where your baby is at developmentally.

The products are, of course, inspired by our babies - as a plant parent and sleep-deprived-yet-can't-miss-a-moment kind of parent.

Let's raise our glasses (oops - I mean babies), to the next generation of independent, emotionally & mentally stronger, happy and super healthy human beings!

I hope you'll love our products as much as I love designing them!