4 Ways to Encourage Freedom of Movement for your baby

4 Ways to Encourage Freedom of Movement for your baby

The Montessori method places a strong emphasis on encouraging freedom of movement for babies, as it is believed to be critical for their physical and cognitive development.

Here are some ways the Montessori method encourages freedom of movement for babies:

  1. Allow for unrestricted movement: One of the most important aspects of encouraging freedom of movement is to allow babies to move unrestrictedly. This means avoiding the use of playpens, walkers, and other restrictive devices that limit a baby's ability to move around and explore their environment.

  2. Create a safe and prepared environment: Instead of restricting a baby's movement, the Montessori method encourages parents to create a safe and prepared environment that allows babies to explore and move around independently. This might include creating a designated area for the baby to play and providing soft, comfortable surfaces for them to crawl and roll on. 

  3. Encourage exploration and discovery: The Montessori method also emphasizes the importance of allowing babies to explore and discover their environment on their own terms. This means giving them plenty of opportunities to move around and explore their surroundings, rather than constantly hovering over them or directing their movements.

  4. Provide opportunities for physical activity: Babies need plenty of opportunities to engage in physical activity, as it helps to develop their motor skills and coordination. The Montessori method encourages parents to provide opportunities for babies to move and play in a variety of ways, such as crawling, rolling, and reaching for objects.

    Overall, the Montessori method encourages parents to provide babies with a safe and stimulating environment that allows for plenty of movement and exploration. By doing so, parents can help to support their baby's physical and cognitive development in a natural and holistic way.

    Our wooden baby play gym checks all the boxes. It's a safe, unrestricted play space that allows baby to explore independently. The hanging toys are designed with the purpose to encourage physical activities through hand-eye coordination, fine motor grasping skills, and you can strategically place your baby to encourage them to crawl or roll while reaching for the toys. 


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